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Welcome to the Late Summer Season!

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Welcome to the Late Summer Season!
This Week's Vegetable Share Harvest:
  • Green Beans
  • Fresh Dill or Cilantro
  • Zucchini
  • Head Lettuce
  • Scallions
  • Arugula
  • Cone Cabbage
  • Slicing Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Colorful Sweet Pepper
This Week's Fruit Share Harvest:
  • White Peaches
  • Saturn 'Donut' Peaches
  • Blueberries
  • 'Pristine' Summer Apples
What's New at the Farm Stand
  • Masking Request - We ask that farm stand shoppers please wear a mask while inside the farm stand when other shoppers are present. Thank you!
  • Open Daily, Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day, 7am-8pm), Normal Hours, 7am-7pm
Farm Journal
Good afternoon from the farm!
We. Got. Rain! Even when our camera is smeared with muddy water (hence the blurry picture), we're still giddy with excitement for the slow, perfect 1.75-inch rainfall we received on Monday. While the rain made for drenching lettuce, arugula and zucchini harvests, we laughed our way through the work as we celebrated this gift from Mother Nature.
The soils and crops were ready and soaked up the rain nearly as fast as it was received! As you can see from this picture of Jeff working on an underground irrigation pipe repair, those topsoils we're building are healthy and rich above the clay-based soil layer beneath. Our twelve-year-old would have liked a little less disappearing water as he dreams of someday swimming in his very own swimming hole here on the farm -- keep digging, Jeff! Ha!
We weren't the only ones grateful for the rain. The animals and insects seemed to come out of hiding today with plenty of bees and cicadas buzzing and coyotes yipping nearby during the green bean harvest.
Even this unafraid Red-Tailed Hawk allowed Tyler and Jeff to get up close for some breathtaking shots. We hope your neighborhood gardens, animals, insects, and trees come alive with water this week, too.

Enjoy this week's late summer harvest!

From your farming team,

~ Jen, Jeff, Tyler, Abbey, Arlet, Ben, Alex P., Peggy, Alex J., Laura, Katie
Notes from the Farm Kitchen
What a peach season it's been! We continue to share the wide variety of peaches the Klugs grow including white peaches and 'donut' shaped Saturn peaches. You can use both in most peach recipes, however, the donut peaches are perfect when eaten raw as they are extra sweet and juicy. Along with apples, we're striving to stock your fridge for back-to-school lunches!
Our summer arugula is on the spicier side as a result of this week's heat, unlike the milder arugula we grow in the spring and fall. Spicy summer arugula is perfect chopped and sprinkled over a grilled pizza or atop a refreshing tomato salad.
This year, we're growing a new variety of bush green beans for CSA shares and we're already in love! In some cases, you'll find them to be longer than traditional green beans and deliciously sweet. You can certainly eat them raw (we tend to eat them for breakfast in the field!), or you can cook them with a quick blanch to maintain their color and crunch or roast them to enhance their flavors. If you want to save them for a later date, you could also pickle or freeze them. Beans store best dry within in a plastic bag your refrigerator for up to a week. 
Seasonal Recipes in the Farm Kitchen

Blueberry Peach Galette (a simple pie!)
Chopped Summer Vegetable Salad with Farro, Yogurt and Za’atar

Grilled pointed cabbage with miso sauce
Two-Ingredient Zucchini Fritters
Easy Grilled Pizza with Prosciutto, Ricotta and Arugula

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