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The Final Week of Fall Shares...Thank you, all! 🍂

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The Final Week of Fall Shares...Thank you, all! 🍂
This Week's Vegetable Harvest:
  • Fresh Spinach
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Brown Crimini Mushrooms - from River Valley Ranch, Burlington, Wisconsin
  • Spaghetti Squash from Big Patch Farm's Amish Community Growers, Platteville, WI
  • Brussel Sprouts - from Harmony Valley Farm, Viroqua, Wisconsin
  • Parsnips - from Harmony Valley Farm, Viroqua, Wisconsin
  • Fresh Cranberries - from Mick Klug Farm, St. Joseph, MI
  • Leeks
Farm Journal
This is our final week of CSA share deliveries for the fall season. We'll be distributing pre-ordered turkeys this weekend and after that time, we'll be taking a bit of a break. Endings are always bittersweet at the farm. 
After working together through a historical and memorable farming season, our crew leaves for their own winter break -- and they deserve it! One of our crew members is off to work in a baking and fermentation kitchen. Another crew member will take time focus school work. Another crew member plans to head to the west coast for a new adventure. Other crew members are like us -- taking time to rest before returning to the farm to join us for the next farming season.
We will miss this team of smiling faces greeting us at 7am, always up for whatever daily project list Mother Nature allows for that day. The character of our crew members is admirable (we only hire those with good hearts!) and their work ethic is one not often seen in our world. Their character comes out in their work product: the care they show for our animals, our plants, your food and us as a family is beyond measure.
Crews members usually tell us that working with us gives them perspective on how much work and care goes into local food production. We've often heard, "I'll never take a carrot for granted again!" or "I really appreciate each and every egg!"
We always hope that instilling the value of food is a lesson crew members take from the farm into whatever they might do next. 
This year especially, our crew became our family as we all opened up to each other about our health, how safe we were feeling and opportunities for our farm to improve. We often say the quality of our products are a reflection of the excellence in our crew. We wish them plenty of well-deserved rest!
We hope you'll take a moment to think of this lovely team of people who grew your food as you enjoy this week's harvest.

Whether you are gathered together for a Thanksgiving dinner or celebrating apart, we wish you and those you love health, strength and plenty of nourishing meals to come!

Jeff, Jen, Owen, Gavin, Tyler, Abbey, Arlet, Kim, Chrissie, Oskar, Alex, Andromeda, Lucas, Silas, Henry, Orion, Cayla, Ryan

P.S. After this week, we may take a couple of weeks off from publishing newsletters to your inbox. You can expect to hear from again in December!
There's still time to save!
Please join us for the 2021 growing season. CSA members always receive the best of what we have to offer. We're grateful for your support and to show our gratitude, we are offering the following discount for all new and renewing members:
Notes from the Farm Kitchen
The spaghetti squash comes to us from Big Patch Farm, which is an Amish community of growers located in Platteville, Wisconsin. These farmers use traditional, farming techniques and work collaboratively across farms to combine multiple family harvests, not unlike our Shared Harvest Tomato Puree that we made last season! Spaghetti squash has a nutty flavor and the spaghetti squash flesh separates into long, thin strands when cooked, creating long squash “noodles.” Cook the spaghetti squash whole in the microwave or oven, then remove seeds and scrape the flesh with a fork. Substitute spaghetti squash for noodles in pasta dishes, or simply sauteed with olive oil, garlic, and some cheese for a simple side dish.
Napa cabbage has light green crinkly leaves with white ribs. It adds a nice crunch when used raw in a salad, but it also stands up well to the heat of a quick sauté or stir fry. Napa cabbage is our favorite cabbage to make coleslaws similar to those made with the familiar green cabbage
Seasonal Recipes in the Farm Kitchen

Spaghetti Squash Soup with Mushrooms
Chickpeas with Leeks, Spinach and Smoked Paprika

Cranberry Ginger Bourbon Smash
Shredded Raw Brussel Sprout Salad with Bacon and Avocado
Preserve the harvest: How to Dry Mushrooms

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