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Sunny Days Ahead!

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Sunny Days Ahead!
This Week's Vegetable Share Harvest:
  • Red Beets with greens
  • White Kohlrabi with greens - these are a storage variety so the bulb actually sweetens with time in your fridge! Don't forget to remove the greens before storing them.
  • Garlic Scapes
  • Head Lettuce
  • Red Scallions - use as you would a white scallion and/or red onion
  • Cucumber
  • Zucchini
  • Japanese Salad Turnips with greens - the greens have some damage but are still tasty in a stir-fry alongside these sweet roots!
  • Yellow Popcorn

This Week's Fruit Share Harvest:
  • Sweet Red Cherries
  • Tart Cherries
  • Apricots
We're Hiring!
As our summer crew returns to school, we are hiring 1-3 seasonal crew members to join our team for the late summer and fall months (early August to mid-November). We value positive, hard-working, passionate people who enjoy being a member of a team (and enjoy a few laughs, too!). Please share with interested friends or family. Visit our Work with Us page to learn more.
What's New at the Farm Stand
  • Microgreens continue into the Summer! Adam's Acres is one of the beginning farmers participating in the farming incubator program called the Farm Business Development Center at the farm. Adam provides a weekly stock of organic microgreens (for example, broccoli, radish, arugula, sunflower and others) which are restocked on Saturdays. Your purchase supports local beginning farmers, so give these nutrient-filled additions a try in your salad!
  • Open Daily, Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day, 7am-8pm), Normal Hours, 7am-7pm
Farm Journal
Good evening from the farm!

As you can see from our first picture, Farmer Jeff is thrilled to be discovering the first tomatoes of the season! This is only the beginning, so we plan to begin share them to our farm members soon.
While this may seem uneventful to some, there is so much work, time, and passion that goes into growing this fruit. Unfortunately, a significant number of midwest farmers we know already lost their tomatoes to the late spring frosts, cold evenings and too much recent rainfall and flooding. Many of our loyal CSA members may remember our tragic tomato loss in 2018. 
Sometimes skies are gloomy, but we strive to use these growing experiences as reminders of how fortunate we are. In the words of Harold Wilken, co-owner and farmer of Janie's Mill and like-minded farmer: "Sitting here, I realize how blessed we are. Yes, [too much rain] will be a pain for our weed control and we will lose a lot of acres to water sitting, but we are in a good place...and we are in a life far from perfect...Count your blessings and take your frustrations in a stride." 
The promise of sunshine later this week is a blessing we're already counting! We consider ourselves very fortunate to learn from our losses and improve our land stewardship skills each season. We are blessed to work with a team of people who do their best, every day, to make sure we provide you the most flavorful food we can grow. As Harold said, life is far from perfect, but we're in a good place.
Thank you for your loyalty to local farming families and enjoy this week's harvest!
~ Jen, Jeff, Tyler, Abbey, Arlet, Ben, Alex P., Peggy, Alex J., Laura, Jack, Lucas, Orion, Silas & Owen
Notes from the Farm Kitchen
Cherry season is a celebrated season in Michigan! We're providing you with two types of cherries this week -- sweet cherries (in pints) and tart cherries (in a quart) -- harvested by a dedicated team dodging raindrops this week. The cherry season will be very limited due to the excessive rainfall that the Klugs received over the past several days (7 inches since Father's Day!) but their stone fruit trees appreciated the water. When you pick up your cherries, we encourage you to promptly lay them on a paper towel in the fridge so the condensation from the humid air can evaporate as soon as possible. That is if you don't eat them on the way home first!
Beets grow well on our farm and come in all shapes and sizes. Beets are closely related to Swiss chard. Like Swiss chard, beet greens can be used in place of spinach in many recipes. I'd encourage you to separate your beets from the beet greens when you get them home and store the two separately. They should both be stored in a plastic bag and greens used within a week. The beets themselves are so lovely and tasty that you don't need to do a whole lot to them. I love them raw, sliced thinly in a salad. Below is a fun raw beet salad recipe using the greens, too.
While making yellow popcorn on the stovetop is a bit more work than the microwave version, the kids that hang out at our house can attest that the results are well worth the effort! Cover the bottom of a large pot with oil (vegetable or coconut are our favorites). Add one layer of kernels to the bottom of the pot (about 1/3 cup) and cover with a lid. Place the pot over medium-high heat. When you begin to hear popping, shake the pot and keep it moving! Remove the pot from heat as soon as the popping stops. Pour into a bowl, add salt to taste and enjoy with a great movie.
Seasonal Recipes in the Farm Kitchen

Kohlrabi and Carrot Slaw
Garlic Scape Dressing
Raw Beet Salad with Feta, Walnuts and Beet Greens
Sour Cherry Galette

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