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Meet the people who grow your food!

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Meet the people who grow your food!
This Week's Vegetable Harvest:
  • Salad Mix
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Red Beets
  • Green Beans
  • Fresh Sweet Onions 
  • Zucchini
  • Fresh Garlic
  • Tomatoes
This Week's Fruit Harvest:
  • Fresh Tart Cherries
  • Blueberries
  • Black Raspberries
Farm Journal
Good morning from the farm!
We'd like to take a moment to introduce you to the people who help us grow your food and why they wanted to work on a farm! Pictured here (from left to right) are: Karolina, Tyler, Mark, Arlet, Andromeda, Abbey, Kathryn, Peter, Danielle, Scott and of course, Jeff! 
We often say that our farm crew is our most valuable resource on the farm. We could not do what we do without them -- nor would we want to! That is especially true in a challenging season such as this one. Our team keeps us motivated, laughing and fill the farm with life.

We recently asked our crew members why they farm and what motivates them. Here are a few of their answers:

"Food that’s grown in the ground is good medicine." ~ Scott

"Giving back to the earth and replenishing her is important to me. Organic and sustainable farming doesn't contribute chemicals, polluting our fresh water aquifers as well as our oceans. We are all connected and that's why I farm to give people good nutritious produce." ~Karolina

"I farm because I am energized by the prospect of making a positive impact on people’s relationship with food, its producers and the environment." ~Mark

"I farm because it has shown me all the hard work that occurs from the very beginning of planting a seed to the final product reaching someone’s dinner table; which makes me all the more grateful. I am motivated to work on an organic farm because by doing so, I am spreading the word and showing everyone I interact with that farming organic is something we should all care about." ~ Kathryn

"A passionate desire to participate firsthand in stewardship of the earth and its resources, and to assist in providing local communities with a source for the freshest, most natural and health-giving food possible is what motivates me." ~Peter

"I am inspired by all of the love and care that goes into each and every piece of produce grown on an organic farm." ~Danielle
We're grateful for the dedication, care and passion of our team. We hope you see this effort come through in the food we share each week.
Your farmers,
~ Jen, Jeff and the farm crew
Notes from the Farm Kitchen
Most garlic that you are accustomed to using has been cured in a warm, dry place for some period of time to ensure that it stores well. Since we just harvested this garlic today, it has not had time to cure. That is why it is called fresh garlic and it extra flavorful and pungent. As the season progresses you will receive garlic that has been cured and will store well for several months. Use fresh garlic within a couple of weeks. Your best bet for storage is to keep it in a cool, dry, dark, well-ventilated place.

This week's fresh sweet onions are also freshly harvested. The onions are not yet cured, so they are best stored in the refrigerator.
Black raspberries are slightly smaller than their red raspberry counterparts, thought they share a similar bright, tart flavor. Black raspberries offer more antioxidants and they are beautiful when combined with red raspberries and other berries.
Recipes from the Farm Kitchen

Raspberry Crisp - This was a hit at our Monday farm crew potluck!
2-1/2 cups Red and Black Raspberries
1 Tablespoon (Heaping) Cornstarch
1/3 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 cup All-purpose Flour
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
2/3 cup Oats
1/4 cup Pecans, Chopped
Dash Of Salt
3/4 sticks Butter, Cut Into Small Pieces

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium bowl, combine (rinsed) raspberries, corn starch, 2/3 cups sugar, and vanilla. Stir and set aside.

In a separate bowl (or food processor) combine flour, brown sugar, oats, pecans, dash of salt, and butter pieces. Cut together with a pastry cutter or fingers until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

Add berry mixture to a small baking dish or pie pan. Sprinkle topping mixture all over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until topping is golden brown. Allow to sit for ten minutes before serving.
(adapted from

Beet and Feta Burgers
3 cups grated beets (about 4 to 5 beets)
1 sweet onion
2 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
7 ounces feta cheese, crumbled
1 small bunch fresh parsley, stems removed
1 pinch sea salt and black pepper
2 tablespoons coconut oil, ghee or olive oil, for frying

Peel and grate beets, onion, and garlic on a box grater or use a food processor with the grating blades attached. Place the grated vegetables in a large mixing bowl. Add olive oil, eggs, and rolled oats and mix everything well.

Add feta, parsley, salt, and pepper and stir to combine. Set aside for about 30 minutes, so the oats can soak up the liquid and the mixture sets (this step is important for the patties to hold together). Try shaping a patty with your hands. If the mixture is to loose, add some more oats. Form 6 to 8 patties with your hands.

Grill the burgers a couple of minutes on each side – or fry them in a frying pan until golden on both sides. Serve with grilled sourdough bread and toppings of your choice. 
Next Week's Harvest (our best guess)... celery, lettuce, scallions, black beans, blueberries, basil and more!

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