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A Week in Pictures

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A Week in Pictures
This Week's Vegetable Share Harvest:
  • Golden Beets
  • Zucchini
  • Early White Onions
  • Salad Mix
  • New Red Potatoes
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Green Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Early Summer Tomatoes
This Week's Fruit Share Harvest:
  • 'GlenGlo' Peaches
  • Blackberries
  • Apricots
What's New at the Farm Stand
  • Waste Less! Eat 'Ugly' Produce  - While we strive for beautiful, high-quality produce, sometimes we discover unintentional imperfections on our produce. Rather than leaving in the field, we harvest and sell these less-than-beautiful versions of cucumbers, peaches and zucchini (for instance) for a reduced rate to adventurous cooks. There may be spots you need to cut around to enjoy, but the flavor is worth the effort!
  • Open Daily, Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day, 7am-8pm), Normal Hours, 7am-7pm
Farm Journal
Good afternoon from the farm! Here's a photo journey through the past week on the farm.
Crew members sifted through the soil to find new potatoes and Peggy gathered up the harvest -- look at all of those beautiful spuds! This year takes the cake as our best potato harvest on record, thanks to weeding and regular just-the-right-amount watering.
Hiding in the very tall popcorn is no use...we can spot Jeff's trademark hat and sunglasses anywhere!
Alex bands that last beautiful bunch of gold beets from the field, as the team pulls in a successful harvest to be washed.
A wake of vultures.
Jack and Abbey both spotted huge red-tail hawks in our fallow fields catching field mice (not pictured), while the team couldn't help be mesmerized by 20 or so vultures circling above nearby fields.
We enjoyed a brief visit to Chicago this weekend to take in a museum, visit the lake and take a moment away from the farm.
Luckily, Monty and Rose (Chicago's piping plovers) and their eggs were tucked away safely from any disruptions.
We enjoyed our time away from the farm. We returned refreshed and ready for this week's farm work with our hard-working team!

Enjoy this week's summer harvest from all of us,

~ Jen, Jeff, Tyler, Abbey, Arlet, Ben, Alex P., Peggy, Alex J., Laura, Jack, Silas and Owen (and Gavin)
Notes from the Farm Kitchen
Parsley, both curly and flat leaf, is an extremely versatile, nutrient-rich herb. As a source of vitamin C, vitamin, here are some of our favorite uses:
  • use to add flavor to a potato salad
  • add to pasta sauces to bring a bright, fresh flavor
  • make a salad of chopped parsley, chopped tomatoes, fresh shallots, lemon juice olive oil & salt
  • make parsley butter by adding minced parsley to softened butter.
  • use on broiled fish or steamed vegetables.
This week's fruit share includes two stone fruit, including the Klug's famous peaches. Mick Klug Farm grows 10 varieties of yellow peaches, and three of white, and in round and donut-shaped. This week's variety is called Glenglo, which is similar to a Sentry variety. With its red and yellow skin, this yellow-fleshed semi-clingstone peach will need a few days to fully ripen on your kitchen counter. The peach season looks to be a good one, so we'll continue to feature different varieties in upcoming fruit shares.
Seasonal Recipes in the Farm Kitchen

Golden Beet Soup
Crispy Smashed Potatoes
Peach Sangria
Zucchini Brownies
Vinegar Coleslaw - Great for cabbage and kohlrabi (in place of red cabbage).

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